From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Unshelved Comic Strip

This week's Unshelved strip addresses the Internet v. Library dichotomy that we, as librarians have to deal with today.

Monday, June 25, 2007

I've got my hot water back....

So what, you say?

Well, while I was at work last week, the gas company refitted my house with a new meter and, in the process, inadvertently cut off my gas flow. So, after using the residual supply of hot water on Friday, I was shocked on Saturday to step into the shower and receive nothing but cold water.

And so, when I tried to call the company over the weekend, I got the attendant saying to the effect "Except for extreme emergencies, we don't work weekends."


I called again this Monday morning and they were very quick to respond. I got a hot shower and everything is right with the world. (Sarcasm intended).

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Inspirational story

Okay, I've never seen an episode of American Idol or its Brit equivalent, but when I stumbled across this video I could identify with Paul Potts' situation. When I say identify, I mean Paul Potts knew what he wanted to do but his confidence ebbed and flowed and he probably went through a period where he asked "Is this it? Is there anything more?" I like to think that the audition he gives below was the ultimate test of his personal confidence......and of course he passes with all best possible results.
Potts is the perfect symbol for anyone struggling to find that confidence that makes you say "Hey, I belong and I can do something special." I know this vid has been played a bunch of times in Youtube, but I hope my blog readers not only enjoy it but find inspiration from it.

Random Thoughts

  1. Many months ago, I blogged about an NPR story about Howard Dully, the 50-something bus driver who embarked on a personal investigation to his transorbital or "ice pick" lobotomy when he was a twelve year old. If you allow me to perform a little reader's advisory, there's now a book out about his experience: My Lobotomy.
  2. An Idiot and his Motorcycle: While out walking tonight, I came across a group of young twenty-somethings riding their road motorcycles. One guy thought it was cute to pop front wheelies and back wheelies while coming to a stop at the intersection or Barry Road and Platte Purchase Drive. I can imagine the reaction of the drivers around him as he was pulling these stunts. Sure, it was probably an adrenaline rush for him and, sure, I would have probably done the same thing given I was in my twenties and had a motorcycle. But my long memory reminds me of incidents in the '80s and '90s where guys were not so lucky. Maybe this guy just wants to break his bones so he'll have stories to tell his grandchildren. For example: "I broke my arm way back in ought-seven trying to impress this young lady." or "I broke my leg dragging against my best friend." One final thing: he does these stunts within a half mile of a North KC police station so it wouldn't surprise me if he has already been busted by a traffic officer.
  3. The meeting on the PC Access Management software went well. We received a demo from CPU services on how the software operates. We then proceeded to iron out some operational issues. The software will be installed in the lab on Monday, June 25 which also happens to be when my vacation starts.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

OK, Mama Bear, so I am addicted to YouTube

But where else can you see a dancing weenie dog......

or a human slingshot.......

or my favorite singing group.....

PC Access Management is coming

DB and JH of computer services were in the lab Friday afternoon. They were configuring the lab computers for the upcoming installation of the PC Access Management. For the uninitiated, PC Access Management means the patron will scan their card at a kiosk and be assigned a PC to use. The accountability of my computer lab staff will shift from check-in/check-out to assisting users with application and collecting money for prints and headphones.
Speaking of headphones, with the upcoming installation, we will shift from check-out headphones to selling headphones to patrons for $2. It has become too costly to maintain a stash of checkout headphones. And I agree with library colleagues as well as my staff that perhaps we should shift the onus of responsibility of computer use to the patron. In other words, if they want sound while they work, they should purchase their own headphones. We'll have plenty to sell because I have eight cases of them in my office.
One final thought: I have organized a system-wide meeting for next week with lab-, circulation-, and youth services supervisors to discuss procedural issues and circ issues involving the Access Management software. This is a major shift in library service and we all should meet so that when we present this product, the library patron will see consistency in service from branch to branch.
Next week will be very interesting at work.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Sopranos Finale

As with past season enders, the final Sopranos episode shows the family gathering at a diner for dinner.

BUT were those other guys in the restaurant FBI agents or assassins?

I'm thinking David Chase has decided that the viewers should make up their own minds before he decides whether to make a movie from this or not.

I have enjoyed the ride, though, for all six seasons.

Friday, June 08, 2007

The Windy Thursday

Yesterday (Thursday) was very windy in the morning as I left for work. I didn't realize how windy it got until I got home last night. Thirty to forty mile-per-hour winds blue apart the squirrel nests in the big oak tree in my back yard. As a result, I had to spend an hour today raking sticks and small tree branches. I filled up two bags of debris.
Also, the wind was so powerful yesterday, that it blew and pinned a child's inflatable wading pool against my back fence. When I first looked at it, I thought it was a sheet but discovered differently when I went out to pick it up today.
Finally, it looks like the wind blew a couple of shingles off the roof of my house today which causes me to think when I should redo the roof of the house.......

Friday's weather was absolutely gorgeous. I spent most of it outdoors.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Random Notes at the start of June

  1. I just finished a very bland vacation. I stayed at home for the most part but I did do a whirlwind antique tour on Wednesday visiting The Brass Armadillo in Grain Valley, MO and Keeper's Antiques in Harrisonville. For my efforts, I purchased three more toby mugs for my collection: The Granny, The Veteran Motorist, and The Cardinal.
  2. Speaking of vacation, my sister's family returned safely from their vacation to the North.
  3. The party animal kids next door were at it again last night, er, this morning. Once again, the music was booming and the beer, apparently, was flowing. I finally nodded off to sleep at 3:30 this morning and managed to get about four hours of slumber.
  4. FYI, there's a lot of talk in the blogosphere about Google Map's new Street view feature. Most of the postings I've read ranged from the humourous (You can find dead people with Street View) to the serious (in particular, invasion of privacy issues especially if Google updates the photo technology it uses for this feature).
  5. Finally, tonight's episode of The Sopranos (Episode title: The Blue Comet) was intense, intense, INTENSE!!! In particular, the apparent ending of the Melfi-Tony Soprano relationship and the increase in mob warfare between the New York and New Jersey families didn't disappoint. I'm looking forward to the season finale next week.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

New Wrinkle from Google Maps

This demo video was released to YouTube (as well as Google Video) a few days ago. It presents a new way to use Google Maps.

Unfortunately, the number of cities are limited in which you can use the City Street View, which tells me that Google enjoys updating its technology more frequently than the maps that Google covers. I'm sure updates will be coming.