From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Video that tickled my funnybone

I got into a conversation with a friend over Allan Sherman's "Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah" song. In light of that talk, I did a quick 2 minute search on the net and found this funny Sherman, Dean Martin, and Vic Damone video (probably taken from the Dean Martin show). I couldn't stop laughing. I guess I appreciate this silly humor. Enjoy!

Increased dependency on public libraries during time of cuts

For those librarians who haven't heard, ALA has asked the Fed for an economic stimulus infusion for the organization of $100 million (Library Journal article, 11/15/2008).

I guess ALA is arguing that in this time of fiscal crisis, more people across the nation are using public libraries to participate in programs that will increase skills and marketability in this changing job market and adapt to the changing American fiscal landscape. Library programs include resume writing workshops and financial and housing counseling.

Of course, as a librarian I agree with ALA's request. My example comes from the fact that I have seen more people come to the computer lab to print off fresh copies of resumes because he or she has been layed off. Also, more people are coming in to use the job search sites like

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Random Notes

  1. I was sadden to hear of the closing of a Pontiac, IL prison this year. This was the last place of employment for my dad before he opted for early retirement many years ago. The closing of the prison, needless to say, is very contreversial, sparking arguments among Union workers, the mayor of Pontiac and the Illinois Department of Corrections.
  2. Public libraries are not even immune to the ripple effects of our economic crisis. I have read in many library blog and journals of public library systems across the nation having to cut back on budgets and even lay off library workers. My library system has taken steps in response to economic concerns. And since we receive funding through the school district, who knows what else might happen especially if the State of Kansas considers budgetary cutbacks for schools across the state.
  3. I will be headed over to Lawrence for a quiet Thanksgiving with my sister's family. Quiet? Wait a minute! My niece and nephew are two energetic kids. Thanksgiving in their house is anyting but quiet.
  4. I met M and P's new neighbors during pizza Friday night. Their old neighbors moved to Omaha because of a requirement in accepting a job promotion. The new neighbors are a husband and wife with two teenage kids and have returned to the Kansas City area after living in Ohio for awhile.
  5. I'm glad to have my treadmill back in full operating capacity.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

History lesson of my neighborhood

While performing maintenance on my treadmill, the technician regaled me with stories about this neighborhood. I guess he grew up in this area twenty some-odd years ago. I typically responded to his stories with a "I did not know that" or "You don't say." One interesting story: he and his buddies rode their BMX bikes on the land where my house sits.

My Internet Typology Group

Out of curiosity, I went to the Pew Internet site and took their Internet Typology Test. This poll canvassed my feelings about technology and the way I feel about information in our society. I was calculated to be a member of the "Connected but Hassled" demographic. Perhaps if I take it again the results would be different.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My vote is in

I decided to get up at 5:30 this morning and vote. Unfortunately, about 400 other people decided to do the same thing. As I approached the church where I vote, there was a line of cars waiting to turn into the church's parking lot. The parking lot was full but many voters decided to park in the gas station's parking lot next door or park their car on the church's lawn. I parked on the lawn putting my Vue at risk as I parked under a tree that was shedding its hedge apples. After a 35 minute wait in line, I cast my ballot.

Afterwards, I went to Starbuck's where the line was equally as long. Starbuck's has a marketing special today where you tell them you voted in this election and you get a tall coffee free. It looked like 20-30 took advantage of this offer at this particular store.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Switch to Standard Time

I want to pat myself on the back because I did manage to switch the clocks in my house back to Standard Time. The Sunday shift at the library was a different story.

All lab PCs system-wide (not just WW) shut down an hour early. Apparently, the server which governs our access management software did not make the adjustment back to Standard Time this morning and 20 computer sessions in my library PC lab were abruptly ended at 3:55 PM. Some patrons were upset by this as they were typing papers, resumes, etc and did not get an opportunity to save their work. Other users were merely playing online games, checking email, or surfing the net. My counterpart from the Main library called saying their lab was experiencing the same problems, which confirmed my suspicion this was happening at all open library branches.