From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Kansas Library Conference

Our Human Resources department was kind enough to fund our attending the KLA library tri-conference in Overland Park, KS. I went to the Thursday, March 31 session.
The keynote speaker was excellent: Joseph Janes, a University of Washington library school professor and regular columnist in, I believe, American Libraries magazine. For me his presentation was the highlight of my day.
One note: there was a presentation I attended that dealt with the use of PowerPoint in presentation. For the sake of posterity, I'll simply say I was NOT impressed with HW and his take on the use of PowerPoint.
On a personal note it was good to see KC, MF, and CD. I had not seen them since graduation 2000.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

SLIM Update through my eyes

I had the opportunity tonight to attend a reception at the new SLIM satellite location in Overland Park, KS. The library school moved out of the KU regents center where SLIM students had to pay a high price in order to take library classes ($45 dollars a credit hour, I think). The new location which is just off College Blvd. is about two miles east of the KU center. Not only does SLIM use the building but ESU department of continuing education uses it too as well. And the good news is that SLIM classes are cheaper ($20 dollars a credit hour cheaper).
We got a tour of the facility. There are three classrooms with state of the art equipment. Also, SLIM is taking steps to going wireless within the building. The school has 56 laptop computers which students can use during weekend intensives.
Ann O'Neil, SLIM's new dean, spoke to the small gathering and delivered an update on the school's accreditation as well as new faculty.
Meanwhile, the facility in Emporia has undergone some updates. First of all, the Learning Support Services Center (the old IT lab) has been moved upstairs to the small classroom next to the LSSC director's office (which was formerly the room where the coke machine was). The old IT lab room has been converted into a Smart classroom complete with smartboard, elmos, and the latest in computer technology. Also, believe it or not, there are now bathroom facilities on the third floor. When I attended SLIM, we had to go to the second or fourth floors. In addition, the long wooden wheelchair ramp has been removed in favor of a mini elevator for wheelchair patrons.
There have been more changes but I'm getting forgetful as my bedtime approaches. Perhaps during my vacation next week I can pay a visit to Emporia.
BTW, it was good to see DR and YB and it was good to meet the new dean. SLIM did well in my estimation.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

A discussion about European travel

I got into a discussion tonight about traveling in Europe. An older friend recounted about her three train trips in Europe. I had mentioned to her that one of my dreams was to travel Europe via train. But she said her train traveling experiences were not so great and it might be better to travel by bus.
I had only gone to Europe once so far. I went to Sofia in 2000 to help SLIM with a Globenet conference. I would like to go again sometime, not only to Sofia but to the rest of Europe.
On a side note, a library colleague is going to Bulgaria for vacation. She asked me about my experiences. I hope my information helps.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Hour long reference question

Last night, my colleague had what amounted to an hour-long reference question. A UMKC student came to the reference desk with a question related to her 18th century literature class she was taking. He prof required her to cite from other 18th century works for her paper. The problem is that being a public library our collection is more "generalized" than an academic library. My colleague spent about an hour scouring our database as well as First Search but did not have much luck. Because of the length of this reference question, our breaks were pushed almost to closing time.
I think this student might have done better by going to UMKC's library. But then again, it was cold and wet last night with the potential for freezing. Maybe she felt better staying in the Kansas City, Kansas area.

Phone call from Seattle

As I was driving home on I-29 at about 5:45PM, my cell phone rang. It was AN calling from Seattle. She, her kids, and her sister's family spent part of the day in Seattle's downtown public library which is about one year old. I had asked her to visit the library because I heard so much about it through NPR, Nancy Pearl's book talks on NPR and through the Seattle public library's webpage at, which features a slide show at

AN thanked me for having Sunday lunch with her and her kids. I mentioned it was great to get reacquainted with her family. As I have stated in previous posts, AN has some major decisions ahead of her. I just hope and pray that I can, at least, be a supportive friend.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Lunch with AN

I had lunch at Applebee's today with AN and her two children. This is the second time I've met her children...very cute kids, and very smart. AN updated me on her comings and goings and life down in Parsons.

Mulching leaves

I spent a good part of this weekend trimming back the bushes at the side of my house and pulling and cutting down dead tree branches. This morning I mulched the remaining leaves that were left in my yard. I have three large oak trees and they operate on their own schedule when it comes to shedding their leaves.
I took the trimmings and brush over to my sister's place so that she could burn it in her outdoor fireplace.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

KU's loss--My take

Well, it had to happen. I just didn't think it would happen with this group of seniors. KU lost to Bucknell in the first round of the basketball tournament.
KU just ran into a team that has the best three-point defense in the nation. Bucknell has held their opponents to a low three point percentage all year. That combined with Gidden's tentativeness and Langford's lethargy stemming from his ankle injury and flu contributed to KU's loss. But another thing: KU needs a second big man to average in double figures. The world's greatest walk-on just doesn't cut it. KU's future teams will be built on Bill Self players and not Roy William's players. It will be interesting to see how the program progresses.
Good luck to Wayne Simien as he pursues a pro career.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Grand Central Station

My house will serve as "Grand Central Station" the next couple of days. First of all, my sister and her family will spend the night on Thursday night as they prepare for a flight down to Disney World. Second, AN will be parking her car at my house next week as she will be flying with her kids up to Seattle.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Most wonderful time of the year

The weather is dropping hints of spring in the area. My lawn is beginnging to turn green and the trees are starting to bud their leaves. But, most importantly, it's March Madness!!

I enjoy this season of sports more than any other.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Cutting another tie with Topeka

I got a safe deposit box today here in Kansas City. This means the safe deposit box I have in Topeka, KS is no longer necessary. I will probably close that box and transfer its contents to the new box on Friday. Except for high school reunions, a couple of friends, and an occasional visit to the church where I grew up, I really don't have any need to go to Topeka anymore.

Life goes on......

Monday, March 07, 2005

Family Reunion on a large scale

I have decided to go to my family reunion. It's held every three years. This year it will be held in Lyndonville, VT. I have never been to New England and I have been told that a driving trip in Vermont and New Hampshire is something to behold. I looked up Google maps. It is almost 1600 miles from KC to Lyndonville. I think I'll drive and perhaps plan a stop at Niagara Falls, NY.

Good sports

My colleagues at work were gracious Missouri Tiger fans who didn't rub their school's victory into this KU alumnae's face. Thanks JS and LL. You are truly polite but also loyal MU Tiger fans.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Napoleon Dynamite

I just finished watching Napoleon Dynamite on DVD. At first viewing, I didn't think much of the movie. But after discussing the movie with coworkers, I wouldn't mind seeing it again. The humor is very subtle in this movie and it doesn't insult the viewer's intelligence.

Weekend Trip to Lawrence

I'm going to Lawrence on Saturday to see the new wooden floor my sister and brother-in-law installed. He spent the majority of two weekends pulling up the house's original carpeting.

Tags and registration

JF called in sick to work today meaning I had to split my shift so that I, as lab supervisor, could cover her night shift. This actually worked out to my advantage. I spent my off time in the afternoon getting my license tags for my new car. The new tags were not cheap. I might be eating bread and water next weak...throw in tomato paste and I'll call it pizza.
With my new car street legal, I'll be making plans to donate the Mazda to a non-profit outfit. AN works in the mental health field and she suggests that I donate it to a local mental health facility hear in KC. Still, when I drive home, I see a billboard that says "Donate your car for kidney disease research." And still, I know the Salvation army and National Public Radio accepts car donations.

Decisions, Decisions.