From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Switch to Standard Time

I want to pat myself on the back because I did manage to switch the clocks in my house back to Standard Time. The Sunday shift at the library was a different story.

All lab PCs system-wide (not just WW) shut down an hour early. Apparently, the server which governs our access management software did not make the adjustment back to Standard Time this morning and 20 computer sessions in my library PC lab were abruptly ended at 3:55 PM. Some patrons were upset by this as they were typing papers, resumes, etc and did not get an opportunity to save their work. Other users were merely playing online games, checking email, or surfing the net. My counterpart from the Main library called saying their lab was experiencing the same problems, which confirmed my suspicion this was happening at all open library branches.


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