PC Access Management is coming
DB and JH of computer services were in the lab Friday afternoon. They were configuring the lab computers for the upcoming installation of the PC Access Management. For the uninitiated, PC Access Management means the patron will scan their card at a kiosk and be assigned a PC to use. The accountability of my computer lab staff will shift from check-in/check-out to assisting users with application and collecting money for prints and headphones.
Speaking of headphones, with the upcoming installation, we will shift from check-out headphones to selling headphones to patrons for $2. It has become too costly to maintain a stash of checkout headphones. And I agree with library colleagues as well as my staff that perhaps we should shift the onus of responsibility of computer use to the patron. In other words, if they want sound while they work, they should purchase their own headphones. We'll have plenty to sell because I have eight cases of them in my office.
One final thought: I have organized a system-wide meeting for next week with lab-, circulation-, and youth services supervisors to discuss procedural issues and circ issues involving the Access Management software. This is a major shift in library service and we all should meet so that when we present this product, the library patron will see consistency in service from branch to branch.
Next week will be very interesting at work.
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