Random Notes
- It looks like we're inching closer to the start of the construction on Schlitterbahn. My evidence: while driving westbound on Paralell, I saw a traffic camera. No signal, just a traffic camera. This tells me that most of the construction traffic will come in north of the proposed site. I may have to rethink my driving route into work.
- When I got home tonight, I saw a sticky note on my door. It was from a company that deals with home sales. I wonder if they have any association with the business ilk who are creating the business sprawl around here. You know, I would be very angry if these people are wanting to buy the homes on the south side of 84 Terrace for the purpose of creating more strip malls or shops along Barry Road. I need to talk to my neighbors to see if they received the same solicitation.
- I'm a little late, but I've finally planted some impatiens around the yard: red ones in the flower bed under my living room window and a combination of fuchsia and salmon impatiens around the tree closest to the shed. Here's hoping we have the right combination of rain and sunshine. I may go to a place in south KC to shop for perrenials this coming Saturday.
- I see the doctor next Tuesday. I'll find out if my walking regiment (which I've been doing for two months now) has had any affect on my health.
This week's Unshelved really strikes home because of our library's computer lab adventures. The above is a sample clip.
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