From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Another observation while walking

If you take your walks along major thoroughfares, make sure drivers of all ages are observing the rules of the road.
Case in point: I was getting ready to cross a major intersection on my walk today. I assume in Missouri, as in Kansas, pedestrians are protected by traffic laws. Anyway, I pressed the button to activate the crosswalk signal and I waited for my light to change. Once I got the walk signal, I stepped into the intersection and then took an immediate step back. Apparently, Grandpa thought it was more important for him to execute a right turn on red than for me to have the right of way to cross the street. My immediate reaction told me that I wanted to pick up a rock and throw it at his vehicle. But I only gestured to him with my palms toward the sky, a shrug of my shoulders, and an expression on my face that said "What gives, Old Man?"

Being an experienced driver, I see bad examples of driving everyday. Now that I'm walking more frequently, the examples of bad driving are more pronounced. This includes ALL demographics. Where was a traffic cop when I needed one?


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