Another observation while walking
If you take your walks along major thoroughfares, make sure drivers of all ages are observing the rules of the road.
Case in point: I was getting ready to cross a major intersection on my walk today. I assume in Missouri, as in Kansas, pedestrians are protected by traffic laws. Anyway, I pressed the button to activate the crosswalk signal and I waited for my light to change. Once I got the walk signal, I stepped into the intersection and then took an immediate step back. Apparently, Grandpa thought it was more important for him to execute a right turn on red than for me to have the right of way to cross the street. My immediate reaction told me that I wanted to pick up a rock and throw it at his vehicle. But I only gestured to him with my palms toward the sky, a shrug of my shoulders, and an expression on my face that said "What gives, Old Man?"
Being an experienced driver, I see bad examples of driving everyday. Now that I'm walking more frequently, the examples of bad driving are more pronounced. This includes ALL demographics. Where was a traffic cop when I needed one?
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