From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Inspirational story

Okay, I've never seen an episode of American Idol or its Brit equivalent, but when I stumbled across this video I could identify with Paul Potts' situation. When I say identify, I mean Paul Potts knew what he wanted to do but his confidence ebbed and flowed and he probably went through a period where he asked "Is this it? Is there anything more?" I like to think that the audition he gives below was the ultimate test of his personal confidence......and of course he passes with all best possible results.
Potts is the perfect symbol for anyone struggling to find that confidence that makes you say "Hey, I belong and I can do something special." I know this vid has been played a bunch of times in Youtube, but I hope my blog readers not only enjoy it but find inspiration from it.


At 1:45 PM, Blogger lcindrich said...

I'd seen something about this in the paper, but it was really interesting to actually view the clip. I can't help but wonder how he'd do in the American version of the show. I've only seen bits of AI a couple of times, but most of the American winners seem to fit more of a mold. (And the women at least are usually quite good-looking.) Do you think this guy would have won over here?

At 6:01 PM, Blogger KCKLibrarian said...

I can sarcastically say that AI stands for American Image and not American Idol . With that in mind, Paul would have a harder time in the States primarily because of his teeth and double chin.


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