Unshelved Comic Strip
This week's Unshelved strip addresses the Internet v. Library dichotomy that we, as librarians have to deal with today.

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....
This week's Unshelved strip addresses the Internet v. Library dichotomy that we, as librarians have to deal with today.
So what, you say?
Okay, I've never seen an episode of American Idol or its Brit equivalent, but when I stumbled across this video I could identify with Paul Potts' situation. When I say identify, I mean Paul Potts knew what he wanted to do but his confidence ebbed and flowed and he probably went through a period where he asked "Is this it? Is there anything more?" I like to think that the audition he gives below was the ultimate test of his personal confidence......and of course he passes with all best possible results.
But where else can you see a dancing weenie dog......
DB and JH of computer services were in the lab Friday afternoon. They were configuring the lab computers for the upcoming installation of the PC Access Management. For the uninitiated, PC Access Management means the patron will scan their card at a kiosk and be assigned a PC to use. The accountability of my computer lab staff will shift from check-in/check-out to assisting users with application and collecting money for prints and headphones.
As with past season enders, the final Sopranos episode shows the family gathering at a diner for dinner.
Yesterday (Thursday) was very windy in the morning as I left for work. I didn't realize how windy it got until I got home last night. Thirty to forty mile-per-hour winds blue apart the squirrel nests in the big oak tree in my back yard. As a result, I had to spend an hour today raking sticks and small tree branches. I filled up two bags of debris.
This demo video was released to YouTube (as well as Google Video) a few days ago. It presents a new way to use Google Maps.