Roller Derby Experience
Several of us WW staffers attended the Kansas City Roller Warriors Roller Derby last night in North Kansas City. The contest last night had a Halloween theme to it, good versus evil--and to be more precise, a team representing Heaven versus a team from Hell. Many of the lady rollers donned costumes accordingly. The roller derby has a nice family atmosphere to it and, in celebrating Halloween, candy was given out and prizes were given to children with the best Halloween costume. The roller derby itself was played in the same manner as the old roller derbies broadcast on weekend television. This meant jammers trying to score points without having the defenders trying to knock them to the ground or chopping their heads off. In traditional roller derby fashion, a couple of fights broke out in the game but were quickly stopped. The only disappointment was that the crowd was so large that the WW staffers could not really sit together as a group. We were dispersed throughout the roller rink.