Ethiopian Cuisine
As I was driving home from work Tuesday night, my cell phone's voicemail notification signal went crazy. At work, my cell phone receives a weak signal. The concrete walls in the library serves as a sufficient barricade to any cell phone signal. But once I'm outside, it's communications as usual.
AN left a couple of messages on voicemail informing me that she was in town with a colleague from her work. They were attending a training seminar teaching how to deal with physically violent clients. When I got home, I phoned her at the hotel and she extended an invitation for dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant near the KU Med-Center. So Wednesday after work, I drove directly to the restaurant where I met AN and B, the colleague from work.
I must say this was the first time I had Ethiopian food but I really enjoyed the experience. The food is served on a singular platter and diners simple use a spongy bread (I don't know exactly what kind of bread it is) to eat the various meats and veggie. Some of it was spicy but, for the most part, it was a delicious meal.
After dinner, we went to a local pub for coffee and tried to lay out plans for the rest of the evening. AN wanted to take B out to a place for Jazz. Since I live in the Northland and since I don't regularly read The Pitch (KC's local social paper), I was unable to recommend a place in the downtown area or the Plaza.
Eventually, we went to Touche in Overland Park. This was the same place that we went to about a year ago. (Surprise Thursday Night Phone Call) We stayed for about two hours dancing and drinking and then made a night of it because of work or training the next morning. I made my home at about 11:45PM and hit the sack at 1AM after surfing the net.
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