I make the occasional mistake of assuming things. So when I go into work today, I am going to assume that the workers have finished assembling our new ref desk area as well as the word processing lab.
Friday, the old ref desk was torn down. Mama Bear and I had digital cameras to document the event. Monday, Mama Bear sent a CD of our photos to our digital production specialist to perhaps post a couple of pics in the media blog.
I must go on record to say that I, along with other staff members, had some misgivings about our new ref area. I still have some concerns, but now that I see how the new area is forming, I see possibilities.
One note about the camera: It was my first time handling it. I first had to figure out how to format the memory stick and then I had to figure out how to use it. This unfamiliarity along with my low visual acuity meant some very fuzzy picture taking.