From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Reference Desk Demolition--Four Pics

I imagine there will more pics posted to our library's media blog, but here are four pics showing the before, the during, and the after of our reference desk destruction. A couple of the pictures are courtesy of Mama Bear.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Random Thoughts

  1. The new ref desk has been installed with computer networking and phones now available. We are waiting for the word processing/online database computers to be installed and wired. Our reaction to the new desk has been not exactly a warm fuzzy feeling. However, I think everyone is arriving at the feeling that we'll make do with what we have. But somewhere down the pike, we would like to see some changes to accommodate our working needs.
  2. I called my cousin in Massachusetts tonight to start mapping out plans for my trip to New England. Because of his and his family's schedule, some of my excursions will be on my own. But I think things are mapping out nicely.
  3. Finally, I think it's ironic that even though I signed up for the "No call" list that the organizations that constantly call for support are law enforcement agencies. I am grateful for their service and dedication. But pulllease!!! Let me eat my peanut butter and jelly sandwich bachelor dinner in peace, for once.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reference Desk Refit Update

I make the occasional mistake of assuming things. So when I go into work today, I am going to assume that the workers have finished assembling our new ref desk area as well as the word processing lab.

Friday, the old ref desk was torn down. Mama Bear and I had digital cameras to document the event. Monday, Mama Bear sent a CD of our photos to our digital production specialist to perhaps post a couple of pics in the media blog.

I must go on record to say that I, along with other staff members, had some misgivings about our new ref area. I still have some concerns, but now that I see how the new area is forming, I see possibilities.

One note about the camera: It was my first time handling it. I first had to figure out how to format the memory stick and then I had to figure out how to use it. This unfamiliarity along with my low visual acuity meant some very fuzzy picture taking.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wii seniors like to bowl, too

Here's a video taken from many seen in Youtube which illustrates the fact that seniors like the Wii gaming system too. It also makes me think I could host a senior's Wii gaming night at the library.

Random Notes

  1. We took a few more steps toward our reference refit today. We were informed that some workers may be here when we arrive at work on Thursday to begin demolition of the old reference area. I helped Mama Bear clear out some displays and move some bookclub sign-up notebooks to a temporary location. For the next couple of days, our reference desk will be a couple of laptops and a table pulled from the auditorium.
  2. Mus Muris and Princess Anaconda gave a thorough presentation about their conferences they recently attended. Mus offered a summary of a virtual reference conference that was held in Denver at the start of August. Meanwhile, PA delivered a well-thought out presentation on Flickr and Creative Commons which were two topics discussed this year at NEKLS Tech Day in early August. I was unable to attend Tech Day this year because of my vacation/family reunion up to Washington.
  3. A WestWy colleague and I are participating in a grant-funded project that puts a Wii gaming system in each one of our library branches. The colleague (LB) and I discussed potential programs we could hold at the library. She has pretty much developed gaming programs for the young adult crowd. I am contemplating a Wii gaming night for seniors. I have read that a lot of senior folk have taken a liking to Wii, especially with its core programs of golf, bowling, and tennis.
  4. In an effort to curb costs, I am sending out my computer class reminders on post cards instead of business letters. This is a 25 cent difference in postage for each mailing.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Reference Desk Redesign

Slowly but surely, my library is remodeling our reference desk area. New furniture has been delivered, new carpet will be installed, fellow staffers and I have been reluctantly weeding the ref collection, and desktop computers have been replaced by wireless laptops. All of us have different feelings about this change.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

A brief visit to the Northeast

Well, it's only for four days but I've booked my flight to Massachusetts (actually Hartford, CT). I'll be visiting my cousin and his family as well as see the autumn New England colors, visit the Guthrie Center near Housatonic, MA, watch my cousin's crew team compete in Connecticut, and perhaps visit the Basketball Hall of Fame is Springfield.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Through sheer numerological destiny, Labor Day and the celebration of my birthday fall on the same weekend. I just turned 43. And like most Labor Day/birthday weekends, I ate thinking that I still have a teenager's metabolism: pizza Friday night, Abuelos Mexican food Saturday night, and barbecue last night featuring brats, pulled pork, and ribs.

Pass the Pepto please.