From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Holiday Bliss--my take

As indicated by her blog entry (Holiday Bliss), Haworth Hiker has been enjoying her time away from work.

I have been having a wonderful time too. But I think my holiday enjoyments come differently. And in my case, I think I enjoyed the interaction that took place between PS and her father, DrB, as father and daughter celebrated what might be their last Christmas together. DrB. now resides in a full-care nursing facility and the Alzheimer's and Parkinson's has consumed him. It was sad to see him attempt to rip the wrapping paper off of his gifts and finally asking PS to help him. Still, DrB. was lucid enough to meekly say "Thank You" after every gift received. This exchanged struck a nerve in me as I was forced to remember my last Christmas with my mother back in 1990. Mom's brain tumor re-emerged a couple of months prior to the holidays creating paranoid illusions (She thought my brother-in-law and I burnt all of the furniture in the basement of her house). So, we were together in 1990 but the holiday atmosphere was not exactly festive. And as far as DrB. goes, he made at monumental effort for a man in his late seventies to enjoy the moment, but the damn symptoms of his afflictions did limit him.

On the positive side, it was fun (once again) watching niece and nephew opening their gifts this year and loudly blurting out their "Thank You's" after each gift received. C and A made some delicious prime rib and I consumed enough to the point I had to take a cat nap on the couch.

I had dessert at MS/PS where pecan pie was served. So, Christmas plus the Pearson-Sellards mini-reunion makes for a pretty good holiday break for me.


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