From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Treadmill is finally assembled

Putting aside my fears that I might put a hole in a wall in my basement, I put together my new treadmill last night. As with the tortoise, slow and steady gets the job done. The treadmill has a heavy engine and I was fearful that if I lost control of the treadmill while affixing the legs, a wayward handle would puncture a wall. None such thing happened.
Actually, the tough part of the assembly was attaching the control console to the upright handles. I ended up using a small blanket trunk to brace the console as I attached the electrical components and fastened the bolts to both the uprights and the console.
The treadmill now works perfectly. I did a quick fifteen minute workout on it before going to bed last night. I was very impressed with what the treadmill had to offer.


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