From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Friday, December 15, 2006

Cornea Update

I delayed putting up a post about my visit to the opthamologist on Tuesday because I was quite glum after I saw the eye doctor. But here is the update:

Because of the kerataconus and its persistent nature, my cornea tissue continues to thin. To put it into perspective, the average human's cornea tissue is twice as thick as mine. It was really frustrating trying to read the eye chart. I felt that I was guessing at some of the letters. Nonetheless, the doctor says my eyesight has improved slightly.

In testing the thickness of my corneas, the doctor gave me some numbing eye drops and then used an instrument to measure the thickness. I guess what's was really sobering was the fact the doctor suggested the possibility of more corneal transplant surgery.

When I was 16 and was told I needed surgery, I responded by saying "cool."
When I was 29 and was told I needed surgery on the other eye, I responded by saying "OK."
Now that I am in my 40s, being told I need more eye surgery is not exactly thrilling. What scares me is that if I go through with surgery, I have a higher chance of tissue rejection than I did in the past. And tissue rejection probably means loss of vision. And loss of vision means I might have to give up things that are taken for granted: driving, reading, attending a sports event......

For now, my plan to address this situation is to continually take the eye medication that has been prescribed, hopefully delaying any surgical decisions I have to make.

Stay tuned.


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