Random Notes
- It's time for some German food....well, at least that's what my stomach is telling me. ;) Actually, I will be traveling with friends this weekend to Paola, KS and the German restaurant there. It has been at least a year and half since we last went.
- At the end of my reference shift, my supervisor approached me with a new project idea: an in-house blog which would allow selectors a venue to discuss selecting issues such as vendors, donations, weeding, etc. I need to think of a blog name for this. Any suggestions, faithful readers?
- I participated on a committee last week that selected a vendor for our access management software for our computer labs. Now that we have our vendor, I think it's important that reps from all four branches of our library system get together to decide on procedures and policies that can be applied system-wide. After all, it would look silly if Library X managed their computer lab one way and Library Y managed their lab in a different manner. One change I would like to see is a rule that all computer labs close down completely five minutes prior to closing. I was painfully reminded of this yearning last night during my closing shift: a family lingered in the computer lab until after close despite the loud and clear closing announcements. The night custodian and I were very agitated by this because staff responsible for closings need to secure the building at close.
- Last night, I had a student from one of my computer classes stop by reference to inform me that she landed a job requiring computer skills and she wanted to thank me for inspiring her to strive to improve her computer skills and landing this job. Unfortunately, I did not get her name or I would have put her compliment in the monthly report.
- As I have stated in a previous post, I have decided to paint my home office and refurnish it. I stopped by the paint store on Sunday to pick up some paint chips in various shades of green. In addition, I made a couple of stops at Nebraska Furniture Mart to look at various office furniture.
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