From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Assessing the Truman show

I went to see the movie Capote Monday evening. Here are some thoughts:

  • I am glad this biopic focused solely on Truman Capote's obsession on the Kansas murders. I feel this six year window is clearly what drove Capote to alcoholism and his eventual death in 1984. Capote absorbs himself in the murder details even to the point where he gets emotionally attached to the murderers. In this attachment it appears to me that he puts some things he held most dear on the back burner. This includes his "wall flower" behavior at the movie premiere of "To Kill a Mockinbird."

  • Phillip Seymour Hoffman channels all the right energies and emotions in becoming Capote. Hoffman has a history of playing quirky characters in the movies including the jerk newspaper reporter in "Red Dragon" and the sexually confused best-grip boy in "Boogie Nights." His portrayal of Capote should stir talks of Oscar.

  • Finally, I feel compelled to read some of Capote's work. In particular, I would like to read "In Cold Blood" and see if Capote really projects these emotional energies to the point where he was never able to publish another piece of work.


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