Barnes and Noble and SpiderMan
A fellow librarian and I were talking about the fact that the Northland Barnes and Noble moved their operations to the new Zona Rosa shopping center. We were disappointed that BN pulled up roots next to a AMC movie theatre to make the move to ZR. It had been a routine to grab a movie and then, afterwards, go over to BN to browse through books and get a mocha at their coffee bar. We'll have to contend with traffic now in order to get over to the new BN.
In other thoughts, I grabbed the new Spiderman 2 movie last night. Quite frankly, it's the best superhero movie ever with M. Night Shaylaman's Unbreakable coming in a close second. In qualifying my statement, the first superhero movie I watched was Superman with Christopher Reeve and Marlon Brando, who passed away today. I have not seen any Superhero-type movie that was made prior to 1978.
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