From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Friday, January 16, 2009

Noting an actor's passing

When I first started work at the KCKPL library, my then-supervisor recommended a cult television show to watch on video tape. The Prisoner starred Patrick McGoohan. It's sort of hard to describe the plot of the show. Let's just say it was based on all sorts of elements ranging from fantasy to the absurd. Years later, McGoohan would play King Edward I in Mel Gibson's Braveheart.

I learn of Mr. McGoohan's passing this week while surfing through Unshelved's website. Included in their site was this comic strip sendoff paying tribute to both the television series and Mr. McGoohan. To the uninitiated, this strip will make no sense. It will make perfect sense to fans of The Prisoner.


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