From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Random Thoughts from Icy KC

  1. We didn't get the brunt of the ice storm that the folks in Oklahoma City did but we got enough. On three different occasions power was knocked out to the house. I wasn't hampered much except the third outage occurred this morning when I least expected it. I had enough hot water for a shower in the dark. When I left for work, I noticed the power company working on a main junction down the road. So I'm assuming a large tree branch gave way early this morning, snapping a main line and cutting off power to the entire neighborhood. The combination of the power outage with the icy trees this morning made for quite an eerie scene.
  2. Congrats to J and M on the birth of their daughter early this morning.
  3. Finally, after a long wait and after many upon many questions from the public as to whether we provide wireless in our building, WE HAVE WIRELESS!!! I stayed an hour and a half after work today typing emails to my lab staff and fellow librarians on some of the issues we have including wireless for guests and placing hard copy of wireless procedures in the wireless procedures manual.
  4. We have had some guests from Brazil use our computer lab. Apparently through the grapevine, they are staying(and working?) at a local KCK resort hotel and have been using the lab for their Internet access. This started the first week of December. The problem lies in the fact that we only allow a guest to use the lab three times before we suggest they get a library card. According to our out-of-town guest log, some of the Brazilians have used the lab 5 or 6 times. We'll see what happens. It could quite possibly be that they are here for the holidays. Stay tuned.
  5. And finally, this is the second weekend in a row where I've had three days off. I've been using my Thanksgiving comp time for the first and second Friday of December. The first weekend didn't go so hot. The weather was brewing up this icy mess and I somehow got the stomach flu. So I didn't get anything Christmas-related done: cards, shopping, decorating the house, or growing my Santa beard. So, I'll have to make up for lost time this weekend.


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