From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Friday, January 11, 2008

Random notes concerning computer issues at my library

  1. We are going through growing pains with our wireless in the library. There are some small procedural issues that we are dealing with. First of all, we are learning to assist patrons who are using our wireless. Another issue is providing wireless to guests of the library. To that effect, a lab associate and I have been training staff to issue guest wireless receipts. Anyone wanting to use our wireless has to login with a username and password and this includes patrons and guests. A third issue we’re working on with our wireless is printing. We hope to have this problem solved shortly.
  2. I am in the process of revamping the enrollment procedures for my computer classes. Currently, enrollment goes through one service point in the library—the switchboard. With the new system we will also include the reference desk and the computer lab as service points for enrollment. Hopefully, we’ll roll out the new system in time for the March classes.
  3. We are also revising the procedures for making computer service requests in our library. Computer Services has purchased a program that allows each library worker to trace the progress of the request “ticket” submitted. Through the use of email as well as our individual Windows login, we’ll be able to trace the progress of our ticket from submission, to progress, to completion. This is much more a thorough system than what we had previously.


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