From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Making the tech librarian mad

I pulled this off of Michael Stephen's Tame the Web Blog. And the more I thought about it, the more I decided to publish this in my personal blog. So......

Here's the Top Ten list to insure that the techie librarian leaves your system to go to another library:

1. Dismiss blogs/wikis/RSS as just for the geeks not library users

2. Plan technology projects without involving them until the wheels are in motion/contracts are signed

3. Appoint a technophobe librarian to manage the techies

4. Allow barriers to exist that make it difficult for IT staff and librarians to plan and collaborate

5. Bog down their projects in red tape and approvals that take weeks or months to get

6. Send your seasoned librarians to conferences instead of mixing up seasoned folks & your techies to a variety of association and professional meetings, including tech-based conferences

7. Plan project timelines that extend so long the planned service or tech innovation is out of date before it launches

8. Pooh Pooh the idea of the Emerging Technology Committee, the library is doing just fine without it

9. Make your library Web site an afterthought not a "cyber branch" location

10. Always ensure that non-technical people make the important technical decisions

BONUS: Never Dream. Never innovate. Never think outside the Box.

How much of this list applies to me? Eye of the beholder, my dear reader, eye of the beholder.


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