From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Monday, March 13, 2006

The weather

Sunday was a bad day for weather and kind of early in the year for severe weather including tornadoes, thunder storms, and hail. On three separate incidents it hailed up here in the Northland. The largest size of hail I witnessed was walnut size but a friend from work said he saw softball size hail in his area of KC.
And there were tornadoes aplenty. I was listening to the KU pregame show when the local Lawrence radio affiliate broke in with this announcement: "If you here police sirens going off, that means take cover. The regular tornado sirens were damaged by this morning's wind sheers. Please take cover." Apparently the south side of Larryville as well as the KU campus received substantial damage from high winds (tornadoes in disguise) and hail. Classes were cancelled for Monday so that KU could assess the damage and make the proper repairs.
In KCK, the sun roof to the water park at Great Wolf Lodge was violently ripped off. I was really astonished when I saw the video to this. Meanwhile, warehouses along the KCMO Front Street area (an industrial park) were demolished. Fortunately, to my knowledge, nobody in KC proper was injured, probably because it was a Sunday. Unfortunately, the same could not be said for the towns to the south, southeast, and east of KC. Three people died from the tornadic weather.
This was the first time I saw one KC television station preempt television for the entire day because of this weather.
As for me and my house, Platte County was placed under only one tornado warning. I was grateful for this. But, as I said at the start, I had to endure three hail storms and that was more than enough.


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