From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Sunday in the library

It was amazing to see when JP, our beloved custodian, opened the doors to the library this Sunday that 40 people walked into the library. I guess the simile would be that patrons poured into the building like water pouring out of a broken damn. And where did these patrons go? Mostly to audio-visual and the computer lab. As a matter of fact, I had to assist TF at open as one of his lab machines froze up on him. He had a line that extended back to circulation. Audio-visual was a beehive of activity. Not only did staff have to check out videos, they had to assist a patron who spent two hours at the microfilm machine looking up sports stories from a 1990 Kansan.
As for reference, we spent most of the day looking up answers for homework questions. Guess what fellow Adult Service staffers----It's American Indian tribe homework time again! Also, I got plenty of use out of the CIA World Fact book and the World Book encyclopedia as a couple of students had questions about Argentina.
Yes, they came in all shapes and sizes this Sunday. I need a Corona. I deserve a Corona.


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