From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Friday, November 25, 2005

Buy Nothing Day

Of course today is the biggest shopping day of the year. BUT WHY? Why are we so obsessed with shopping on the day after Turkey Day? Is it because we behave like robots and accept the programming provided by newspapers, radio, television, and the mail? Is it because we are so boring that we automatically shift into shopping gear? Is it because we don't want to stay home and contemplate left-over Thanksgiving makings or college football games that just don't matter?

I encourage anyone whose fed up with the "Shopping out of the gates" mentality to simply blow off their Christmas shopping until a better December 1. Heck, go ahead a procrastinate and then start your shopping on December 21. You don't have to have it immediately. Most places of business will offer a "rain check" for stuff on sale on Black Friday. The only thing I intend to buy today is a couple pieces of pizza, beer, and a couple of antacid tablets.

If you have a disdain for this culture, please visit this site that asks you to buy nothing.

I will abuse my credit card in a couple of weeks.


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