From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Saturday in Lawrence

I went to Lawrence yesterday to enlist the help of C and A in the purchase of a chain saw so that I could cut up my brush pile in a more efficient fashion. I found an electric one at the Home Depot.
Afterwards, we went to the grocery store to get makings for the barbecue. I bought a couple of steaks and a couple of twice-baked potatoes.
After dinner we went to sit on the front porch to talk. Our conversation was pleasantly interrupted by the launching from the nearby golf course of two hot air balloons. The balloons were barely 150 feet in the air as they appeared to struggle to clear the trees in the neighborhood. But eventually, both balloons took off westward. It was fun to see the look on my niece and nephew's faces as the balloons passed. It was a treat for me also being that my house in KC is under the KCI flight pattern where no hot air balloons are allowed.


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