Vacation is almost over
I spent most of the day mowing the lawn (and mulching left over leaves at the same time), fertilizing the lawn, watching an episode of the Sopranos, changing the oil on the lawnmower, and going to Sears to purchase a weed trimmer and tree pruning shears. Because of wind, snow, and the squirrels, some of the branches on my three big oak trees have either snapped off or have bent and need to be cut down. During the spring's first couple of mows, I am constantly encountering small branches and twigs. A big project this spring is to prune the dead branches, cut them up, and deliver them to my sister's house so that her family can use the wood for their outdoor fireplace.
Although I spent most of my vacationing week preparing the Mazda for donation and working on house projects, I did manage to do an antiquing day trip yesterday. My journey started in Liberty, MO where I spent an hour in the antique mall. There, I bought ceramic locomotive which also doubled as a whiskey decanter for McCormick's whiskey. When I pulled the cork out of the smoke stack of the locomotive, I could smell remnants of whiskey.
Next, I went to St. Joe, MO where there were two antique malls. I spent an hour and a half at the first mall. I dawdled there because I had my eye on a hundred-year-old German beer stein that I thought would make a nice birthday gift for MS. Also, I scrutinized the display cases to see if there were any Royal Doulton Toby mugs. There were none to be seen. I went through the second St. Joe mall in about twenty minutes. It was a combination Quik-mart and antique store.
After St. Joe's, I went south to Weston, MO, a thirty minute drive from KC. Weston has a nice Main street atmosphere for antiques. At one store, there's a nice stained glass piece called "Clark Kent's Secret." I am surprised that no one has purchased this item. It has been in the store during my last three visits.
After Weston, I went to Picker's Antique Mall in Platte City, MO. I was able to purchase a new Toby Mug here which is now added to the collection of Tobies I inherited from my dad. This particular Toby is called "The Bootmaker."
I arrived home late yesterday afternoon and made and execute plans for pizza with friends in Shawnee.
With the weather cooperating tomorrow, I plan to do some yard work. Monday, I return to work.
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