From a KC Librarian

Just an average guy trying to make sense of his life in the library and beyond.....

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Random Notes

I received an email from MN. He and his family were vacationing in Northern Florida in late August when Katrina clipped South Florida and then proceeded on its destructive path. For me, I think the soberness of the Katrina carnage hit me when I saw my hometown newspaper with a color photo of the city arena with cots set up on the basketball floor in preparation for the reception of Gulf Coast refugees.

I am trying to hook up with MM, his wife, and children for this coming weekend. It had been more than a year since I last saw them. When I called earlier this evening TM said her husband was participating in a Knights of Columbus meeting somewhere in Overland Park.

At work, I am going to try to set up a couple of interviews for the computer lab associate position. JF's last day will be Tuesday.

JG and I have been doing a makeshift needs assessment at the library. We have been walking around and talking to fellow staffers and asking their opinions about putting up a blog on our branch's web site. So far, the consensus has been half and half. Our reader's advisory librarian likes it; however, our community services librarian doesn't see a need for it. More research to come.

LC is busy writing a script for a Reader's Advisory skit-like presentation that has to be made at our staff inservice in November. It sounds like LC wants to parody some popular movies, like Shrek and Taxi Driver, and popular TV shows, like Star Trek, to deliver her perspective on Reader's Advisory.


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